7/14/2025 - 7/18/2025 Check in Time is 1:00 pm / Check out Time is 11:00 am
Event Type(s)
Community Event Calendar Member Event
Event Description
Itch-ee-ow-ee Camp (Grades 3-6):
Campers will experience God’s creation while staying in Golden Bell’s iconic teepee village. Activities include ziplining, hiking, horseback riding, and more. Campers will be grouped into “Camp Families” for Bible study and other activities.
Call Golden Bell for cost details and to pre-register, 719.687.9561
Golden Bell Camp and Conference Center 380 County Road 512 Woodland Park, CO 80863
Itch-ee-ow-ee Camp (Grades 3-6):
Campers will experience God’s creation while staying in Golden Bell’s iconic teepee village. Activities include ziplining, hiking, horseback riding, and more. Campers will be grouped into “Camp Families” for Bible study and other activities.
Call Golden Bell for cost details and to pre-register, 719.687.9561