Peru & Chile Trade Mission

Is your company ready to do business in South America? How would you like to visit Peru and Chile? Both countries are members of the Free Trade Americas Alliance and maintain free trade agreements with the United States. Also, Peru and Chile are two of the fastest growing Latin American economies and are currently planning massive investments in the near to intermediate term in the industries of:
       Mining Equipment and Supplies
Environmental and Recycling
Alternative/Renewable Energy
Some consumer goods as well
The U.S. Small Business Administration will cover the costs for:
2 full days of organized meetings with pre-screened, pre-qualified business prospects in Lima, Peru
Additional 2 days in Santiago, Chile
Expense for Spanish-English language interpreters
Local transport for meetings & appointments
The B2B matchmaking service and meetings have a rate of $550.00 per day. Because the U.S. SBA covers this expense, it means $2,200.00 in savings for your company.

You will cover costs for:
  • Airfare (We will assist in locating favorable air rates for the group)
  • Meals
  • Lodging (We will assist in the process of locating favorable hotel rates in Lima and Santiago)
If you want to register your company, send an email to Director Edward Herrera and Randy Trask

To learn more about this and other events related to international trade, please send an email to Randy Trask at
Weekly Highlights - copy of Weekly Highlights August 6th, 2018

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