When making your spring cleaning to-do list, remember to clean up cyber clutter

Better Business Bureau

BBB encourages consumers to tidy up digital devices this spring
Spring is here, and we all know what that means: spring cleaning. This April may be a good time to clean out your closet, dust around the house or have a yard sale – but what about cleaning up your digital life?
In 2016, most of us have an online presence, own a mobile device or use a computer daily. Whether it’s a status update and photos shared on social media, or financial records and personal contacts stored on our digital devices, all that data could fall into the wrong hands.
According to a recent study, more than 68 percent of Americans store 25 percent or more of their photos digitally. For most, losing these memories to computer malfunctions, viruses or theft can be devastating.
Better Business Bureau serving Central, Coastal, Southwest Texas and the Permian Basin recommends backing up all of your important files. If you’re not sure where to begin, start by going through your device and deleting files you don’t need, uninstall programs you don’t use and empty your recycling bin. But remember, before you start swiping clean your devices, make sure you backup everything important to your cloud, computer or an external hard drive.
To ensure you’re safely managing and tidying up your digital life, your BBB offers the following advice:
Keep a Clean Machine:
  • Keep software updated: Making sure all software has the most current update installed is one of the best security measures you can take. This includes security software, web browsers, document readers, operating systems and any other software you use regularly. Also, make sure to install anti-virus software on your devices and keep it up-to-date.
  • Clean up your mobile life: Most of us have apps we no longer use, as well as ones that need updating. Delete unused apps and keep others current. An added benefit of deleting unused apps is more storage space and longer battery life on your device.
    Make Sure You’re Secure:
  • Properly dispose of sensitive documents: Shred important documents and electronics containing sensitive data. You may also consider using software that securely erases data, usually called wipe utility programs. This software overwrites entire hard drives so that the files are no longer recoverable. It’s also a great option to consider because files deleted using the keyboard or mouse commands may continue to exist on the computer’s hard drive.
  • Create better passwords: According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), passwords like “123456” or “qwerty” are among some of the most common passwords used by the general population. Longer passwords and those that combine capital and lowercase letters with numbers and symbols provide better protection. Remember to store passwords securely!
    Digital File Purge and Protection:
  • Declutter your email inbox: Delete emails older than a year, and create and label folders for emails to stay organized. It’s also a good idea to delete your spam folder and unsubscribe from emails you don’t open. If you must keep old messages, move them to an archive.
  • Recycle electronics: Electronics recycling is one of the most effective ways to dispose of sensitive records, data and documents. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), electronics are made from valuable resources and materials, including metals, plastic and glass. Donating or recycling your used electronics conserves natural resources and helps prevent pollution.
    Clean Up Your Online Reputation:
  • Check your privacy settings on your social media sites: Review the privacy and security settings on websites you use to be sure that they remain set to your comfort level for sharing. It’s OK to limit with whom you share information.
  • Update your “online self”: Is your LinkedIn profile current? Are other social media sites up-to-date? Review your personal information and update it where needed. Also, consider deleting social media accounts you don’t use often.
2016 Alice Business Today - May 2016

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