Congressman Vela visits with small business owners

In March 2010, President Obama signed comprehensive health reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), into law. The law makes preventive care—including family planning and related services—more accessible and affordable for many Americans.  While some provisions of the law have already taken effect, many more provisions will be implemented in the coming years.
Congressman Filemon Vela made a stop in Alice to meet with small business owners for a forum on ACA.
“As we get closer to getting the Affordable Care Act, we want our small businesses to be familiar with the benefits from the tax credits,” Congressman Vela said.
The new laws forces insurance companies to play by the rules, prohibiting them from dropping coverage if a person gets sick, billing you into bankruptcy because of an annual or lifetime limit, or discriminating against anyone with pre-existing conditions.
The Affordable Care Act makes it easier for businesses, those with 50 or less employees, to find better coverage options and builds on the employer-based insurance market already in place. Small businesses have historically paid 18 percent more for health coverage than larger employers. Today, a tax credit is available to businesses with 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees and average wages of $50,000 or less. These tax credits will benefit an estimated two million workers who get their insurance from an estimated 360,000 small employers who will receive the credit. In 2014, small business owners will more relief with tax credits and affordable insurance choices.
“Small businesses have a choice in a new tool that lets them research and compare their health care options at,” the Congressman said.
Under the new plan, small business owners will be able to offer their employees a range of plans from different insurers.
The new health care law makes improvements to the health insurance system and gives states significant flexibility to implement the new law.  
ACA Enrollment begins October 1, 2013 for coverage beginning January 1, 2014.
Alice Business Today - September 2013

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