Executive Directors Message

Juan A. Navejar Jr.

November is here and now I can say it’s time to get ready for the holidays. Right after Labor Day I started noticing some stores getting ready for Christmas. We had Halloween and Christmas displays practically on the same isles so I started calling this Hallismas. Either way Halloween is over and it’s time to start making the tinsel into “green”, money that is for all business owners.
We at the Chamber have gone with the social media and I think it’s time that your business to do the same. Last year, Internet sales went through the roof on Cyber Monday. Everywhere you look, we all have a Facebook and/or Twitter accounts. Business entrepreneurs know great marketing begins with the social media now hitting their target markets.
Let’s begin with lesson one what is Social Media. Social media refers to the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogue. So you may still not know what I am talking about. If I say blogs, webcasts, podcasts, emails or Facebook and Twitter you may now know where I am going with this.
Running a good business is about dollars and cents and social media goes hand in hand to help you obtain a greater return on your investments. More and more people are dependent on their cell phones with the most up-to-date applications. If a business owner can extend its marketing capabilities via emails or even Facebook, then social media can spread your advertised message even farther.
Now people won’t share your message unless it captures their attention. For example if you say are having a sale they might think about it. But if you say “50 percent off all items”, this would certainly ride the social waves quickly. It’s all about the delivery, the awesome deal. We all want to save money during the holidays.
If you are creating a social media, the first think you want to achieve is a following. If you are Facebook, get them to “Like You”. If you are on Twitter, have them retweet in an exchange for a coupon. Just remember to keep tweets short.
While Facebooking why not add a “Join My Mail List”. This can increase your target market as well. It will create repeat customers that you can attract for special sales for regulars at your business.

Social media can be very lucrative but if you are not ready for it don’t be afraid to sit back and watch but you could be missing out. But the number one thing I want make a point is this social media is second to customer contact. Do not forget that those that walk-in to your business can spread your great sales by word of mouth to other and who knows maybe they will be in a social media and talk about your business.

Lastly, don’t forget we at the Chamber are promoting to Shop Alice this Holiday Season with a Shop Alice Day on Saturday, December 10th. More on this day in the December Issue of the Alice Business Today.
2016 Alice Business Today - November 2016

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