Betond Business Basics for Boomers

Connie Laughlin

Are you drowning in our new world of business technology? Or, are you effectively embracing these new strategies and organizational tools?  
Down to business is an old catch phrase that conjures up thoughts of hard work, dedication, and all the business tasks the baby boomer generation did back when life was simpler. It actually means let’s cut out the small talk and get to work. Getting down to business has become harder to do because there are more things to manage now. Our time at work has changed over the years, with all the multi-tasking and web-based activities.
Work was different in the 70’s and early 80’s, as none of us used computers and most of you reading this weren’t even born yet.  Nowadays, if we were to come to work to find our system down we might as well go home.  Technology has re-shaped the work we do affecting not only administrative staff but the grey and blue collar workers as well.  Oil and gas rigs rely heavily on data transmissions tracking their daily activity, retail stores hardly stock anything anymore they place the order online when you come in and pay for it, auto repair facilities track claims online replacing antiquated means of accounting and streamlining all processes. In addition, tracking inventory real-time, accounting software, and online payroll with features such as job costing, can be very beneficial to a business.
Technology takes time and money to put in place, along with time consuming and expensive annual updating and hosting activities. However, you’ll have access 24/7 to all of your information, from darn near anywhere - your phone or other personal hand-held device, from your PC at home or the office. Does work ever end for some?
Fine tune your online activities to ensure it’s not a waste of time or on the flip side are you spending enough time creating web exposure, etcetera? Is it prudent to spend so much time blogging, posting, and tweeting?  Is your website up to par, as streaming video is really hot right now? What business processes could you streamline by updating your technology?
Promoting Your Business
There used to be only one or two networking events held monthly, if you were looking to meet and greet and network your way to the top.  Now there are more than your calendar can keep up with.  Networking has become a lifestyle for many professionals, they spend their days at the office and their evenings attending various mixers and fund-raising events. Everyone’s vying for the same market… who will get to the consumer first?
Early on, if you wanted to advertise, there was one newspaper in town and only a few television stations and radio stations. Now where do you spend your advertising dollars?  Should you spend it on branding, building a fancy website, hiring a professional blogger, or advertising in a multitude of print and other media options?
Out-of-the-box thinking is a catch phrase that comes to mind for today’s business.  You must have either have found your niche early on and created success or you’re trying to make your business a winner using every new strategy available.
What’s your motto or company slogan?
Avis “We try harder” or Charles Schwab “Helping investors help themselves” slogan’s kept their branded company in the forefront.  What is your slogan?  You need one, as it’s your miniature business statement.
“Where’s the beef”, may have been the slogan for Wendy’s but now has become an all-purpose catch phrase questioning the substance of an idea, event, or product.
Where’s your beef?
Is your company living up to your motto?  Are you turning a profit? 
Today’s world turns on a dime.  At all times you must be evaluating core processes and each employees contribution to each specific goal ensuring you’re generating not only revenue but turning a true profit, all the while positioning yourself to stay right side up going forward.
During all this multi-tasking who’s minding the store?  Where are you in respect to keeping up with new employment laws and the health care reform act?  Who runs your safety training, stays on top of OSHA regulations, and risk management.  Who’s keeping your employees motivated and on course with the use of legal annual evaluations and disciplinary procedures? Who’s ensuring your risk management strategies are well defined and your assets are well protected?
Maybe your motto should read, “Our Employees Come First”.  With that motto comes the meaning that they will be highly efficient, customer oriented, and well-trained in all facets of their job.  If you’re tending to your employees, then they should be taking care of the business.  Hopefully, then you’ll find more time to work on the tactical and strategical initiatives that drive success in today’s economy. 
A viable solution for keeping employee issues and costs under control is the option to outsource your human resources.  You’ll not only receive the peace of mind knowing you’ve got a low predictable cost for these employees, but you’ve got the best procedures and policies in place protecting your assets and keeping you out of the legal arena. 
You’ll find high tech web-based procedures and a well educated and certified team of professionals at your beck and call if you select the right PEO (Professional Employer Organization).
Connie Laughlin is a business consultant for UniqueHR.  Contact her at (361) 852-6392 #112, or Visit to find out more about this highly accredited Professional Employer Organization.
Alice Business Today - October 2013

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