Executive Director earns Advanced Management Certficate

Juan A. Navejar Jr.

Alice Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Juan Navejar has completed the Advanced Chamber Management Course through the Center for Chamber of Commerce Excellence (CCCE) in cooperation with the University of Oklahoma Outreach and the CCCE Board of Regents.
Completion of the CCCE three-year program earns a Certificate of Achievement in Advanced Chamber Management by completing the Fundamentals of Chamber Management I, and Advanced Chamber Management II, and III.
The University of Oklahoma Outreach and the CCCE Board of Regents set the curriculum and strategic direction for this unique program.  The Board is made up of representatives from the state chambers, state executive chamber associations (ACCE, LACCE, OCCE and TCCE) and local chamber leaders of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.

2017 Alice Business Today - March 2017

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