Four Tips for Smarter Holiday Shopping

Katrina Watson

The holiday shopping season is upon us. Do you know how much you’ll spend this year? Or are you unpleasantly surprised when the bills start rolling in?
Here are four tips to help you take control of your holiday shopping:
  1. Write it down. Before you begin shopping, make a list and check it twice – determine what you need to buy and how you’ll pay for it. This can work with your day-to-day spending as well. Perception can be much different from reality – by tracking your spending, you can get a clearer picture of where your money is going and how you can make adjustments, if necessary.
  2. Think outside the gift box. A good way to stretch your holiday budget is to give of your time and talent. For example, your nephew might love a day at the park with you instead of another toy. Rather than giving your grandmother another pair of slippers, you could make her a family scrapbook.
  3. Watch your credit. Credit cards are spending tools, not borrowing tools. The sooner you can pay off this debt, the more you’ll save in monthly interest charges.
  4. Stay the course. Try to stick to your spending limit, if possible. This can help you start the new year without a lot of holiday debt.
If you’re looking for more ideas on balancing current expenses and investing for your future, contact your financial advisor. Together, you can develop a spending strategy that can still help you work toward your important long-term financial goals.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor Katrina Morris, AAMS®, 601 E. Main, Suite 125, Alice, TX 78332 361-664-5227.
2017 Alice Business Today - December 21017

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