Wal-Mart shopping being made easier in Alice

Juan A. Navejar Jr.

Shopping in Alice has come into the millennium with easy to use mobile apps. The Alice Walmart Store is one of the first in the Hub City that will now make shopping easier, faster and more convenient.
“We are now averaging about 45 customers a day who are using the new app to shop at our store,” Alice store manager Steven Donald said. “It is very easy to use and very convenient. People will use the app, come in, sit in our waiting area for delivery.”
The Walmart apps is available for Android phone as well as the iphone. Once downloaded the ease of shopping  is at your fingertips.
Manuela Gonzalez of Alice tried for the first time and was quite pleased.
“I went online purchased some stuff to bake a cake, I came to the store and it was ready,” Gonzalez said. “They had to help me at first because I was new to this but I am now using it more and more.”
Raising awareness of the new app and online shopping is key to the success of the program.
“We are trying to raise awareness of what the new Walmart App can do! From uploading photos to print, paying quicker at checkout, scanning receipts to get cloud access to your movies and even skipping lines at the return desk and pharmacy, this app does it all,” Donald said. “Once the app has been downloaded you select store791at 2701 E. Main St.”
 From the home page weekly ads can be viewed. Items can be scanned and searches for items will give you a map location to be located in the store.
“If you lost any movie added  and it was purchased at Walmart, to locate in from your scanned receipt and it will be uploaded to your Vudu account,” Donald said. “Every smart TV purchased from Walmart comes a Vudu account.”
Medical prescriptions are much a part of the app as well. Refills can be done and pickups are faster with no line wait. Same will apply for return policies.
“Simply answer a couple of questions and set up a refund account and it will show up on your card,” Donald said.  “Money services, photos, savings catcher will locate any retailer that has a lower price and the app will give u refund.  You can pay through Walmart app  at a scan  register as well.”
Anything purchased through the app can be picked up on the same day with Walmart’s personal shoppers. Only items available through the app qualify. Produce is currently not part of the Alice store app at this time. 

2018 Alice Business Today - March 2018

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