Executive Director's Message

Juan A. Navejar Jr.

It’s May and summer is right around the corner. For some businesses this can make or break their company. Seasonal companies do very well in the summer month while others this could be the longest three months of the year.
Some businesses see the summer as a slow period when people are out and about more than spending their hard earned cash. Something that could change is the higher cost of fuel as it may keep folks in the area this summer. The rising cost of fuel also erodes disposable income keeping pocketbooks closed a little longer this summer.
But as is the case, businesses have survived the summer months. Here are some ideas to help you stay afloat.
The old cliché “target new customers” comes to mind. Over the last three or four years, high unemployment, high gas prices and a poor economy made it tough to achieve the new customer outlook. People were no longer spending frivolously on luxury items. High foreclosures across the country did not help either.
The new customer is looking for a bargain. Customers remain adamant about opening their purses too wide. If you want to target new customer segments to grow sales ask yourself if you are offering the products or services they now want or need? Customers are using coupons, sales and gimmicks to get their bang for their bucks.
A few years ago, flat screen TVs were on the market for some $2,000 to $3,000. Today that same TV is $500 or less. Think about your product you carry. Do you still have a product that is three years old and cost the same or are you turning over your products to the reduced prices? Our customer base has changed from three years ago.
The hot summer weather arrived early this year in South Texas did you change over your product as early as the weather did? How about that lawn and garden care are you now behind the curve because you did not think about the season change early? What is the demand now, your product has to match the season but remember you have to be three or four month ahead of the weather.
If you are not selling a product but provide a service this is the same mentality. Air conditioner personnel know this is their busiest time of the year. In fact they probably started ordering supplies in February or at least I hope they did. Do not wait until the first heat wave. Your customer will demand a fix on their AC upon receiving that phone call from them.
You will need to cut down on cost in the business as well this summer. That mean the AC in your business will be running but if you are a member of the Chamber it’s not too late to save on your electric bill by joining the Electric Coalition. Contact us to know more about this service exclusive to Chamber members only.
Summer can be hard on some businesses or a breeze for others simply thinking about new ways to target and acquire new customers (by following and meeting their changing needs) you can stimulate your own business.
It is all about taking the limited set of resources that your business does have and using them in new ways to gather the biggest return for your business via new marketing or new products and services that meet current or changing customer's needs and demand. This is not some new way of recession proofing or recession growing your business - it is just plain, old fashion business.
Small business owners have been maximizing limited resources for centuries by finding new ways to tap into conservative consumer spending and in today's day and age it is no different. People and businesses still have to spend. Thus, you just have to find out where the money is going and get your business in front of it.

2018 Alice Business Today - May 2018

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