360 Degrees of Management

Connie Laughlin

Employee Optimization
Business owners must constantly tweak essential strategic initiatives.  Well-defined HR (Human Resource) structure better protects assets and allows a business to run more smoothly with better employee morale!
When you ask a business leader what drives productivity and profitability they automatically think of product or service. But, they’re missing the big picture – it’s their employees. Without giving their most valuable asset (employees) the attention they require they’re setting themselves up for failure before they even turn the lights on.
Unique Business Resources That Help With Human Resources      
The word partner means to join with another or others, especially in a business or company with shared risks and profits.  It’s a wise idea to partner with another that offers things you can’t personally provide.  A word of caution - ensure each have shared skin-in-the-game.  
If you’re looking for help to create and or streamline your businesses or need an experienced partner to dissipate the burden you have riding on your shoulders a relationship with a PEO (Professional Employer Organization) would be an excellent choice. While you have the business expertise, the PEO is the proven resource for employee administration, which is instrumental to the success of the business.
Risk Management Strategies     
Where do you start?  There are a multitude of areas for evaluation: workers’ compensation and benefit insurance policies; tricky claims administration; human resource administrative details and policies; safety and risk management procedures and training.              
 Every business leader (not in a PEO arrangement) will need to spend a minimum of one week per quarter in training for various areas of employment law, claims management and other expensive and time consuming course work. And, you’ll still need to deal with all your various vendors for WC, payroll, etc. Or, outsource it to save money and precious time.
Budget Alignment             
You can optimize your human resources on a shoestring budget! Ensuring your bases are covered takes time in the beginning because you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it. If you’re operating on a tight budget, that’s all the more reason to ensure your plan is appropriately designed and in place, with minimal labor and time.   When you work with a PEO it’s one source for everything.  And, they reign in all the employee costs, a huge added benefit! 
Human Resources
There’s much more to human resources than saying, “Yes, my employees are getting their paycheck each week and I have workers’ comp, so I’m good in that area!”
Areas to perform a thorough examination are: employment law; professional safety programs; efficient payroll administration; in-depth human resources solutions; employer risk management; and workers’ compensation coverage. 
Make a conscious effort to protect your business now! One solution every business should investigate is Professional Employer Organizations.
Bottom Line - you must implement comprehensive HR strategies in your small business.                                                                                                                 
Connie Laughlin is a Business Consultant for UniqueHR. For more information on outsourcing human resource, payroll, workers’ compensation insurance, safety training, and optionally benefits contact Connie at (361) 852-6392 or at
2018 Alice Business Today - August 2018

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