Strategic Keys to Modern Management

Connie Laughlin

There’s a lot of moving parts in a business; so, a well-planned strategy that drives a streamlined operation, incorporating cost containment and risk management tactics, is exactly where your focus should be.
Clear the clutter and eliminate various tasks, delegate as much as you can to your trusted and well-trained employees.  And, outsource things that don’t have to do with profitability. Move forward with modern outsourcing vendors that are highly accredited and certified.
Focus 100% of your time running a business that’s geared to be profitable and guaranteed to stand the tests of time. Do this by automating and streamlining processes that don’t short-change client care.
Create an environment that lends itself to creativity and servitude. Boost the bottom line by creating a dynamic business model where everyone’s attention is focused on revenue production, product, service, and customers.
It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: 
it would be a joy sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg.
~C. S. Lewis
Make sure your business is adaptable to the winds of change and can stand the test of time by executing modern structure and appropriate processes for today.
Convenience and cost are paramount to keeping clientele happy. This is obviously an understatement, as we continue to watch online commerce take down brick and mortar stores and complacency do others in, such as, Toys “R” Us. 
We’ve got to adapt over and over for our ever-changing marketplace. Time and attention must be focused on competing your business.
Agility in business equates service to growth at all stages and times. Staying on top of the competition and current in your marketplace can be complex. Without a modernized business model, you’re setting up a scenario loaded with risk.
We have more tools than ever to run a business like smart phone and iPad apps facilitating e-commerce, scheduling jobs and appointments, and handling email plus other communications. There’s a app for everything. Are you set up to tweak payroll, accept payments, work on job orders, job costing, billing, communications, and track inventory and vehicles?
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives.
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
~Charles Darwin
Time management starts with finely managed projects.  No project should be stamped finished until it’s reviewed in detail. Eliminate the need to come back to a job where you find yourself dealing with lost time and service issues. Plan, execute and closely monitor your projects.
We all know it costs more to replace a customer than to gain a new one.  And, lost time isn’t replaceable! Investigate new software applications for keeping track of jobs, or business accounts.
Don’t schedule unnecessary meetings – send an email when it will do the job.  Meetings are productive and positive when you preplan and stick to your agenda. By all means - do hold a meeting if it will add the needed importance to a requested task. Tend to your clients and prospective clientele with modern, time appropriate, and informative communiqués, mindful to not over-communicate.  Find your professional balance.
Since it’s mandatory to delegate as much work as possible to your staff prepare them well. Don’t forget a robust and possibly outsourced HR department can provide much-needed support, such as; detailed list of job duties and job descriptions, employee handbooks, compliance counseling, and a multitude of training courses that help eliminate headaches down the road! Employees that are well trained, motivated, and on board with their assigned work create a powerful work force.
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
~Winston Churchill
Connie Laughlin is a business consultant for UniqueHR. For more information on outsourcing your human resources, you may contact Connie at 361-852-6392 or

2018 Alice Business Today - September 2018

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