AISD holds school ground breaking ceremony

Juan A. Navejar Jr

Alice Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Salvador Cavazos is hoping the current fifth grade students at Dubose Intermediate School will graduate from their school next year from a new state-of-the art building.
“These fifth grade students will be the first students to graduate from Dubose Intermediate next year when it is completed,” the superintendent said during the ground breaking ceremonies.
Joined by AISD Trustees, faculty and students the group held a ground breaking ceremony behind the present location of the school.
“When I was asked if a new building would improve our children’s education, I said, if brick and mortar are the solution to the district’s academics, the yes,” AISD Trustee president Mike Cochran said. “This instills a sense of pride and dignity among our staff and children.”
The ground breaking ceremony was the formal setting for what has all ready begun to form the foundation of the school. The $11.1 million school will be done in phases with the first set to be completed in August 2012 and Phase II in January 2013.
With silver plated shovels in hand, the group dipped their shovels into the dirt and then picked up a bit ending the ceremony.


Alice TX Chamber News - October 2011

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