From the President

Servando Garza Jr.

October is here and before you know it, the Holidays will be here and then the end of my tenure as board president. It has been a quite successful year for the Chamber thus far, having increased our membership by 37 thus far thanks to the staff, board members and the Alice Ambassadors.
As we enter the final quarter of the year, you should have received an email from the Chamber with the names of our five new members selected to serve on the Chamber Board of Directors. In accordance with the By-Laws, the membership was notified of the nominating committee’s recommendation to the board. The nominees were Ted Bearden, Carlisle Insurance & Realty; Mark Dominguez, AFLAC; Mary Macareno, Macareno Signs of Alice; Ike Ornelas, Elsa’s Pill Box and Nena Pitts, Christus Spohn Alice. These five individuals will join the board in January 2012. Congratulations to them.
Our Chamber Mixer was a huge success and well attended in September. We are seeing more and more Members attending them. The September Mixer was hosted by Real Hometown Media, thanks for sponsoring the event and thanks to L&F Distributors for the adult beverages as well.

Alice TX Chamber News - October 2011

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