Board President's Memo

Bertha Rodriguez

It has been an interesting year for the Chamber and my term as president. We had some great events throughout the year and look forward to the Twelve Days of Christmas to begin with the Parade on Tuesday.
The Chamber staff has been working with our members to improve their customer service. The new website launched this summer and has been a great tool to improve your business. If you need some help contact the staff to assist you. We hit one million visitors in early 2018.
Our holiday festivities are just about to get under way. The Parade kicks off the season with Santa Claus welcoming the season.  This year we did things different with the Twelve Days of Christmas and got the community involved with events each night. We look forward to some great activities throughout Alice with many of the events next door at
Heldt Park. We hope to see you there. Have a safe and Merry Christmas.
2018 Alice Business Today - December 2018

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