From the Board President

Servando Garza Jr.

It’s December and my term as Board President comes to a close at the end of the month. It has been a great pleasure to have served as the board president.
Our goals for the Chamber were met. We had more than 30 grand openings in 2011 not including two more scheduled in December. Financially, the Chamber has come a long way. We have operated in the black while not touching 2011 investments.
The Chamber staff has been working with our members to improve their customer service. The website launched last year has been a great tool to improve your business. If you need some help contact the staff to assist you. We hit one million visitors in early 2012.
I want to say Thank You to all our out-going board members for their contributions and commitments to the Chamber: Dee Dee Arismendez, Hector Hinojosa, Virginia Menking, and Paul Rycroft.
Our holiday festivities are under way. The Parade was very successful as was the train rides with Santa Claus. There is more on the agenda which comes to an end on Dec. 10th when we want everyone to SHOP ALICE for the holidays. Have safe and Merry Christmas.

Alice TX Chamber News - December 2011

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