Find "True" success

Connie Laughlin

Success is the attainment of wealth, favor or eminence. And, Happiness is a state of well-being and contentment, per Merriam-Webster.  Does our desire for happiness drive us to create success?
Solid business mentors certainly provide established models for success; while “true” long-term happiness is only found in the guidance of our Holy Father. We are commissioned to be good stewards with all that we have, and strive for excellence in all that we do. We were meant to be successful. 
His followers can accomplish extraordinary things in business and be hugely successful in life.
James Kraft, of Kraft Foods, lived a life of faith and was well known for saying that the best investment he ever made was in God. Hobby Lobby’s CEO and founder, David Green’s mission is to give God the credit for his success. “The Golden Rule Stores,” were the first department stores J.C. Penney built, as he proclaimed his love for God.
John Glenn accomplished extraordinary things, being the first astronaut to orbit the earth 51 years ago – as well as a USMC pilot and a US Senator – before returning to space 15 years ago as the oldest astronaut. Recalling the words uttered to Glenn as he was sent into space, “Godspeed, John Glenn,” which means, may God prosper you, and indeed He did.
Local leaders share their vision of faith.
Gerard Danos, of Dixie Iron Works, shares his favorite scripture, Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Danos goes on to say, “Business can be scary, full of unknowns, pitfalls we cannot understand or see until they are upon us. With the Lord at our back, gently nudging us with His staff, either left or right or forward or backward He allows us to forge our own path, but never fall off the cliff. However, He can only do this if we stay close to Him, never outrunning Him, always remembering to look to Him to be sure we are close and get the guidance He so wants to give. If we will do this, He will shepherd us.”
Curtis Cantwell Sr., of Cantwell Mattress, annually promotes the greater good of the company by tithing 10% to charity before other business issues are even addressed. Curtis Cantwell Jr. says, “Cantwell Mattress has blessed four generations and has been in operation nearly a century following the Golden Rule, Matthew 7:12.”
Sherry Bowers, Executive Director at The Spirit Center, shares 2 Chronicles 15:7 - But as for you, be strong and do not relax for your work will be rewarded.  “I truly feel that God rewards us if we keep moving forward and remain strong in his promise.”
Live to stay one step ahead in your relationship with Jesus than your relationships in the world. 
1 Corinthians 2:4-5 - And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. Know one thing and that is - men are imperfect.  Don’t be let down and let loose of the Spirit because others have lost their faith, regardless of the degree of their stature, fortune or fame. 
Don't settle for a life that isn’t successful and blessed with happiness; find renewal in your covenant with Him today. Godspeed.
Connie Laughlin is a business consultant for UniqueHR and a parishioner at St Philip The Apostle Catholic Church. You may contact her at (361) 852-6392 or at
Alice Business Today - March 2013

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