Presenting sponsor, A-C-T Environmental and Infrastructure's CEO Rob Kincart welcomed everyone to the Chamber's biggest event of the year and then introduced 2014 Chamber President Myrtice Young of the Polk County Board of County Commissioners.
After presenting retiring directors’ plaques to Sandy Dobbertean of Bank of Central Florida, Catherine Tucker of CenterState Bank and Levonia Wynn of West Bartow Front Porch, she thanked the membership, Board, volunteers and staff for making 2014 a great year.
Young then introduced Casey, who accepted the presidential gavel and banged it gently on the podium, bringing the meeting to order. As her first official duty, Casey presented the outgoing president with a Chamber President's plaque. Casey then turned her attention to the audience.
“Your attendance here tonight helps to ensure that the Bartow Chamber of Commerce can continue its mission of promoting business and economic development for our community,” he said to the crowd of about 400. “I pledge to all of you that I will strive to continue the proud tradition of the Chamber as vital to the success of Bartow’s business community.”
Casey thanked the Chamber staff and its volunteers.
Other members were recognized as Cover Page sponsors for the Chamber's Quarterly Magazine for 2014: Spherion Staffing, DMAR Business Centers, Wolseley Industrial Group and Affordable Appliance.

Newsletter1 - copy of January 26, 2015

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