8 Ways to Get Your Business Ready for 2019

Monica Preston

  1. Finish your current projects. The end of the year is a great time to wrap up loose ends before starting new ones. This will help you stay focused on your strategy overall.
  2. Reflect on what didn't work. You know the definition of insanity right? Well do something different and you'll get different results. While you should be reflecting regularly on your business, looking at a holistic view of what could be done differently should always be a part of your yearly review.
  3. Talk to your employees (if you have them). Feedback is critical and we often get the best feedback from our employees. While they don't have a stake in the company, they still are an immense resource as they can often look at things from a different view. While you may not act on all of the feedback, there will be some nuggets that will be strong enough to put into action.
  4. Do a business 'reset' of sorts. Not that you'll completely redesign your business, but the new year brings new focus. It's a time to look at your business plan, review it, see what is still applicable, or what needs to be changed which could dictate how your business moves forward. You may find there are some new opportunities or new competition that you need to make note of.
  5. Define a quarterly focus. You've heard the saying "don't bite off more than you can chew". Same goes for business. Take your annual goals and chunk them up into smaller pieces. Make quarterly, monthly and weekly goals which will help a big goal seem more attainable.
  6. Create a monthly action plan. This will help you stick with your overall goal that you chose in tip 5.
  7. Create your content strategy. Your branding is important. Have a clear and concise content strategy for your social media channels will help you stay laser focused on the goal. Set up a calendar and use auto schedulers to help save time with posting content to social media.
  8. Look at future trends. Review your target customer and look at the trends related to your industry for that target. Make changes based on the outlook so you can stay on top of your industry. If you never change, another business is guaranteed to make changes and attract your customers.
Chamber Happenings Mobile - Is Your Business Strategy Ready for 2019?

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