A Chamber View... From Madison Avenue to Division Street

Curt MacRae, Curtis Funding Group

I used to work in Manhattan, Donald Trump’s city, Hillary Clinton’s state, on Madison Avenue. Today, I work on Division Street in Downtown-Coldwater.  It’s a subtle difference.
In New York, I never joined the Chamber of Commerce, because I worked for IBM, and I think we were already a member before I got there. In Coldwater, I joined the Chamber the day I moved my company here.
In New York I had a nice window-office on the 9th floor, and got to know my neighbors in adjacent buildings, simply because we could look across into each other’s office at any time (we didn’t really know each other). In Coldwater, I started in the basement office at the Chamber, but finally moved up to a first-floor window office in 2014, and people visit my office regularly, or stop by when they have Chamber business.  I invite anyone to drop in.
In Manhattan, I had a 110-minute commute (each way), each day, between my drive to the train station, my train ride, and a 20-minute walk from Grand Central Station. That’s not a misprint – it was 110 minutes, if everything went right, each way. The train cost me $19 for my round trip daily commute. In Coldwater, I have a 2-minute commute (4-6 if I ride my bike), as my office is 6/10 of a mile from home.
I’m liking Coldwater.
Sometimes we don’t appreciate what we have, personally or in business. Since this column is slanted to the business-world, I’ll focus there mostly. Life can be stressful, but sometimes we need to take a moment and reflect on the good we have.
So, business-owners in Coldwater, let me just note that you have things pretty good, and I want to take the liberty here to reflect upon a few of the positives.
One, you have a city government that is pro-business. They actively seek new business, promote existing companies, and are involved in Chamber activities. The Chamber of Commerce, your primary business-advocate, is in regular communication with city officials, and the City provides regular updates to the Chamber, a vital factor in helping your Chamber support your business.
Coldwater has quality recreational, tourism, and family and social-oriented activities and programs, that support local companies by providing quality-of-life results for those businesses, and for the employees of those companies, as well as their families.
Your city is small enough to allow those two-minute commutes, and while we had more entertainment options in Manhattan, there is a lot to do in Coldwater; we didn’t have free downtown concerts in New York.
And, your company has the most-active Chamber of Commerce that I’ve ever been associated with, to support, promote, encourage, mentor, advise and provide tools that can help you grow revenues and profits.  Notice, I’m not even telling you to join today (first time).  You’re getting

almost all of the benefits I just noted, whether you’re a Chamber-member or not.   Makes you think….. doesn’t it??
Curt MacRae is past-chair, of the Coldwater Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. He owns Curtis Funding Group (888-510-1355 – www.curtisfunding.com), a Chamber member that provides equipment leasing & financing funds for businesses to acquire new/used equipment. His office is located in the Chamber Building.
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Chamber E-News - 08.10.2016

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