Michigan Chamber of Commerce Launches "Don't Sign Away Your Job Campaign"


August 18, 2015


CONTACT: Jim Holcomb 

Michigan Chamber of Commerce

(517) 371-2100 



Digital Ads Warn of Harmful Ballot Proposal to Raise Taxes


LANSING, Mich. – Michigan Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Rich Studley today announced the launch of a statewide campaign against the proposed $900 million corporate income tax hike by three construction unions. 

“We are strongly committed to informing voters about the harmful consequences of the proposed 83% tax hike on over 38,000 job providers,” said Studley. ‘This political attack on employers will cause greater unemployment, increased prices on a wide range of products and services, and would take a wrecking ball to Michigan's economic competitiveness.”


“If approved, this union ballot proposal will severely damage our state’s economic competitiveness by giving Michigan the second highest corporate tax rate among all states,” Studley continued. “Just like alligators, these construction unions will bite the hand that feeds them and voters need to know that their jobs are at stake. We urge voters to not sign away their jobs.”


The Michigan Chamber today released two digital advertisements. To view the ads and additional information on the proposed tax increase, go to http://www.michamber.com/CIT-Tax-Hike.


The Michigan Chamber is a statewide business organization representing approximately 6,800 employers, trade associations and local chambers of commerce. The Chamber represents businesses of every size and type in all 83 counties of the state. Michigan Chamber member businesses provide jobs to 1.5 million residents. One of every 2.6 employees in Michigan works for a Chamber member firm. The Michigan Chamber was established in 1959 to be an advocate for Michigan’s job providers in the legislative, political and legal process. 



Chamber Update - The Weekly E 08.20.15

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