St. Andrews Academy Boarding Program

Father Brian Foos

of course, on campus in one house with a boarding family, just a short walk from the academic building on Main St. in Chester. Only these St. Andrew’s students come to the school building, with local day students “zooming” into class with them as online students.In addition, in hopes of keeping as much normalcy and consistency as possible for our students, all of our students are asked to come to class dressed in their uniform—whether that is the small group of students that live on campus, or one of the day students joining class via video.

So when you see a student in uniform with mom or dad at the store, rest assured it does not necessarily mean the student was physically in the classroom. Again, our day students are studying via the internet like so many of their compatriots around the town, the state, and the country.

Finally, in early March, the school cancelled its planned Spring Break trip overseas; it seems we did just in time, as it was the day the President disallowed flights to Europe. We are thankful we did not get stranded there, and did not put ourselves or anyone else at further risk by such travel overseas.We do want our community to know how we are supporting efforts to be healthy and safe in this new and different time. Let us all hope and pray it comes to a swift and positive conclusion.
Town Chatter - April 2020

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