From this Desk

Kimberley Pitillo ~ Executive Director

This desk was transformed from an old owner to a new one ( I had to make it feel like my own.. that was a must). This desk holds information and holds a few of my favorite things. It has had many conversations with great people sitting across from each other, Chamber Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Board Directors, youth, members new and old (no, I am not picking on your age), potential members, community supporters, volunteers, mayor candidates, friends, family and neighbors.

This desk has had many discussions at it, good and bad, great ideas have happened at this desk, and sometimes tears. Many hands have touched this desk, many business transactions have happened across me. This desk has been used for making board reports, making crafts, planning events, talking and planning on the phone and counting money when times were good. It has seen days of organization and days of complete chaos.  This desk has been the occasional lunch table but probably has seen more popcorn or pretzels then anything. I have been a foot stool and even been sat on, I have been glued occasionally, stuck with tape, accidentally written on and even spilled on. This desk has had a cup of hot water or tea on it everyday and an occasional glass of wine. This desk has been blessed by being surrounded by these 4 walls, this desk has helped in making things great for our chamber and our community. This desk has helped me with the good, the bad and the ugly. This desk has been a big supporter and has helped kept me going everyday! 

Even though this may be the last time I sit at this desk and in this office, I will always remember all the blessings it has given us and myself and all the things that have happened around it. I look forward to all the new desks that I get to use in our community. I look forward to being more present in our community, and supporting our members by visiting you and promoting your business with the chamber of commerce coming to your location. I am sure there are a lot of desks out there (a small table, a park bench, a chair, a counter top, a lap, whatever it may be) that will help get us through the next adventure. 

Our office will be closing this Friday August 28th so if you want to come by and visit for the last time around this desk come by anytime between 11am - 5pm.

Kimberley Pitillo

*Note - Tues August 25th 12pm - 6pm -  Office items for sale
           -  Wed. August 26th  Moving out (if there is still stuff to move) 
           - Thursday  August 27th 12pm - 3pm - Office items for sale
           - Thursday August 27th 4:30pm - 6pm - Drive thru pick up meals at Smokey Oaks                          Tavern
           - Friday August 28th - Last Day in office (Visiting Hours) 11am - 5pm
           - Monday August 31st - Final donations to be turned in for the Honorary Mayor                         Campaign
Fair Oaks Chamber Of Commerce - It's the FINAL week to support our Honorary Mayor candidates

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