We are sure gonna MISS YOU!!!

We sure are gonna miss this Smiling face around Fair Oaks! 
This week we are getting ready to say so long to a long time Chamber member
Miss Kathy O'Brien!

Kathy has been involved with the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce for many many years. I think she started back in the early 2000 decade. I remember meeting her back in 2006 when I got involved in the Car Show, she probably doesn't even remember that but I do. This lady has been involved with every event the chamber has held, from Chamber Luncheons, Mixers, Ribbon cuttings, and our large community events such as Christmas in the Village. I love the story how she brought out a folding chair and sat Santa down right in the middle of Plaza Park so that the kids could come see Santa, she helped grow that event to what it is today, (well what it was) she also was our Emcee for our parades. She was the Raffle Queen and our Emcee for the Fair Oaks Fiesta for many years, she has helped with Concerts in the Park, she volunteers whenever and wherever she can. She has won a bunch of awards from the chamber, and she proudly wears her badges "ALL THE TIME" (I think she may have the most badges) she even served on the Board of Directors and was a Past President too (that was before my time. I tried for 7 years to get her back but my charm just wasn't good enough to get her back) but even though she wasn't on the board she still was a huge helper in other ways.

She truly is another cheerleader for the Fair Oaks Chamber, she is always promoting businesses in the area and always promoting us. I know she has made great business partnerships and great friendships with being involved in her community and being a member of our chamber. We are all going to miss her dearly.

As for me, I truly am gonna miss hanging out with this girl, she would stop in at the office and bring me something she made from home for lunch. She knew I never stopped to eat, so she would fuel me up, and then we would play the music and start getting through the task that we needed to do before a big event, we had the most fun buying stuff for concerts and thinking of weekly themes. Music and Dancing is Kathy's passion, a girl after my own heart, I know that is why we get along so well.

She knew I put in a lot of hours daily and she knew when I was overloaded so she would be the one to say lets get out the office and go cause some trouble in the village, that was more like lets get out and go visit people. I'm gonna miss seeing her around, and hanging out with her as we all are. I know she won't be a stranger as she has many friendships and business relationships still here. Once we get back to having events I will get her to come back and be a part of the fun again. We are all going to miss you and we all wish you the Best of Luck on your New Adventures in Prescott Arizona, such a Beautiful town! 

Big Hugs! 


Fair Oaks Chamber Of Commerce - copy of This week in Fair Oaks

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