Willis Takes Over Chamber Helm

Outgoing Chairman Vogt highlighted a number of Chamber accomplishments during his term, including : 1) stabilizing membership renewals despite a continuing weak economy; 2) better engaging Chamber member businesses with each other through the use of Facebook and Twitter social medias; 3) upgrading the Chamber’s website (www.glendaleazchamber.org) with applications that electronically drive more than 20,000 business referrals to our members; 4) bringing new insurance and benefit programs to our members; 5) doubling member participation in our weekly networking programs; 6) adding the Sedona Chamber of Commerce to our Chamber Legislative Alliance; and 6) successfully pursuing with the City of Glendale and others, the preliminary selection of Luke Air Force Base as a new training home for the F-35 fight jet.

New Chairman Willis introduced the 2011 members of the board of directors, praising their leadership, and discussed the Chamber and Humana’s commitment to continuing the strong economic development partnership with the City of Glendale, and our ongoing support and promotion of community and Luke Air Force Base activities.

Mayor Elaine Scruggs delivered her annual “State of the City Address” citing : 2010 economic development successes resulting in more than 1700 new jobs; the creation of the Glendale Convention and Visitors Bureau that will increase national tourism promotional efforts; the federal funding for the Northern Parkway project; detailed the legal issues surrounding the Tohono O’odham West Valley Resort proposal; and outlined the purchase and lease agreements with the Coyotes and Jobing.com Arena.

Guest speaker Steve Ellman, Chairman and CEO of Ellman Companies discussed his firm’s continued commitment to develop the Westgate City Center project and gave an economic “forecast” for future area residential and commercial development.


The Pulse - March 2011

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