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“There haven’t been a lot of options to handle this type of material,” commented Nathan Reinbold, environmental coordinator at Pope/Douglas Solid Waste Management, “So reluctantly, farmers have resorted to home-site burial or burning, which isn’t the most environmentally friendly. We want to try and protect the water and air quality.”

“This is a really good deal for the surrounding area,” said Paul Gerde, Pope County Board chair, “Plastics have always been a problem at Pope/Douglas Solid Waste. There are big pieces that get mixed in with the trash and gets caught in the machinery.”

Commissioner Gordy Wagner added that the recycling program would also be great for the air, providing a better alternative to burning.

To sign up for this opportunity, farmers should visit or call 844-490-7873. If accepted, the farmers will be notified of the dumpster pickup date. This program is free for the farmers, who do not have to pay for the dumpster or the collection of the plastics. For more information about the program, visit, contact Barry Bouwman at or 320-634-7792 or Nathan Reinbold at or 320-763-9340. 
Community Comments - January 17, 2017

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