Warren County Well Testing

Have a Private Well ?
Call Warren County Health Services
(515) 961-1074
….to find out how you can get up to $500.00 back in reimbursement for plugging your abandoned well and to set up an appointment for our department to do a well plugging estimate. 
Or, if you currently use your well for drinking, we also do Well Water Tests at your residence to check for Coliform Bacteria, E-Coli, and Nitrate levels.  The fee is $15.00 per test.  Why test your well, you ask.  Here are some reasons.
Many of the wells still in use today in Warren County were constructed in a manner that does not meet modern construction standards or adequately protect the quality of the water.  Some of these wells are good enough that they can be renovated by reconstructing the top ten feet of the well.  Many others are so poorly constructed that they can only be abandoned, plugged and replaced by another water source.
The Environmental Health Department administers the private well construction permit, testing, rehabilitation, and plugging programs in Warren County.  Grant funds are available which pay most of the cost of well water tests for property owners and well users.  A payment of only fifteen dollars is all that is required of the person requesting the test.  Well renovation expenses are reimbursed to the property owner up to a maximum payment of $800 per well, but only if a state licensed well driller does the work.  Well plugging can be done by the property owner under the supervision of “the county designated agent” which in Warren County is the staff members of the Environmental Health Department.  Otherwise, a state licensed well driller must do plugging in order to be eligible for a reimbursement up to a maximum payment of $500 per well.
Anyone wanting further information about these services should call Warren County Environmental Health at (515) 961-1074.
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