Charged With an OWI? Why You Should Call an Attorney

Why You Need an OWI Attorney

1. The Severity of the Penalties

The consequences of an OWI conviction are much more severe than other driving offenses, potentially impacting your life for years to come. Under Iowa law, for example, even first offenders face a 48-hour minimum jail sentence. In some circumstances, however, you might be sent to jail for up to a year and be required to pay a $1,250 fine. Subsequent charges have even harsher penalties.

2. Protecting Your Rights

Under the Constitution, every defendant has rights that must be protected during the course of the investigation. An OWI attorney will review the circumstances of your arrest to ensure your rights were respected, and challenge any evidence that was improperly collected. In some instances, they may be able to have the prosecution’s case dismissed entirely.

3. Identifying Your Legal Options

With their in-depth understanding of the legal system, your attorney will identify all of your legal options and help you choose the best path forward. Even if they do recommend accepting a plea bargain, you can do so knowing that it was your best option, with a legal representative to negotiate the most favorable sentence possible.


As former prosecutors, the legal team at Ellis Law Offices, P.C. in Indianola, IA, have an in-depth understanding of the system. If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence, you can rely on them to provide the aggressive representation you need. Visit their website now or call (515) 962-9080 to speak with an accomplished OWI attorney, and follow their Facebook or news and updates.

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