Indianola Preschool Ribbon Cutting

February 2, 2016 at 9 a.m.

The Indianola Preschool has been in the business of creating bright futures for young children since 1955, which makes them the longest running preschool in the state of Iowa!  The program began as a nursery school in the First United Methodist Church.  Later, more structured three, four, and five year old classes were offered as the program grew and were held at various locations: Mount Calvary Church, Redeemer Lutheran Church, First Baptist Church, and Trinity United Presbyterian Church.  Now the preschool is settled into its own location at 205 S. Howard Street, right off the square.

For children aged 3-5, the preschool provides a meaningful experience which promotes social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language development.  Caring and capable teachers nurture each child’s natural desire to learn.  We value and encourage an active partnership between home and school, with family events, field trips, weekly newsletters, and home and Parent Education Nights.
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