Leadership Leadville Commencement

Heather Scanlon

After gleaning as much information about the program from Bob Hartzell we, without recreating the wheel, launched Leadership Leadville, a premier leadership development program designed to identify, educate and motivate a network of community leaders and increase the individual's capacity to serve the Leadville/ Lake County community. Participants have learned through workshops, small work groups, panel discussions, direct interaction with community leaders, and a variety of experiential activities, including a trip to the state capitol, all of which raises community awareness and action. This included involvement in a Community Action Team, which investigates and takes action on, one or more long term community goals, strategies and planning objectives.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”
- John Q. Adams


Chamber E-News - May/June 2012

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