SRP is the oldest multipurpose federal reclamation project in the United States. We have been serving central Arizona since 1903. Today the SRP power district is one of the nation's largest public power utilities, providing electricity to 1 million c...

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About SRP

About Us About Us

SRP is the oldest multipurpose federal reclamation project in the United States. We have been serving central Arizona since 1903. Today the SRP power district is one of the nation's largest public power utilities, providing electricity to 1 million customers.

We are a community-based nonprofit utility and the largest provider of electricity in the Greater Phoenix metropolitan area, serving about 990,000 customers. We also are the largest provider of water to the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, delivering about 800,000 acre-feet annually to agricultural, urban and municipal water users.

Peoria Chamber of Commerce

Peoria Chamber of Commerce

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