The Library moved into its current location – a former restaurant - in 1983.  Over the years, there have been several renovations and expansions undertaken to meet the community’s needs at the time they were completed.  The most recent was 14 years ago.  Since then, the island population has grown and so has Library usage, including the number of visitors, checkouts of materials, community classes and programs, and public attendance at events and meetings, pushing the limits of services and an aging structure.
There are a number of current problems with the building and the property.  These include: a parking lot inadequate to serve all visitors, so small that it has been the site of numerous small vehicle accidents; a shortage of quiet spaces for reading, and of out-of-the-way spaces for groups to work together without disturbing others; a severely cramped staff work space, filled with distractions; very limited program and meeting space, often requiring attendees to stand throughout events; space too small to accommodate the expansion of any of the current collections, despite the community's growing demands.
These are only a few of the issues the Library is experiencing that impinge on delivery of the services the community needs and expects with no improvement in sight.  These issues also restrict the Library from being able to offer newer services that are now the norm in many libraries across the country.
At the open houses, the Library board and staff is requesting that members of the San Juan Island community consider, and comment on, the possible future direction for the Library's facilities and services, which could include expansion of the current building, moving to a new facility, or staying within the present building.  All of these possibilities come with a cost.
Please join us and help us guide the future of your Library.
Member Messages - May 5 2018

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