Upcoming Events from the EDC

Grow with Google Details: Wednesday, March 11 at 8:30 am. We'll have coffee, and breakfast rolls. When you sign up (above) it will tell you to come 30 minutes early, but you can ignore that; we've baked in some networking time at the beginning.
 This event is being put on by the San Juan Island Library
Continuity Planning for Small Businesses - March 31st, San Juan Island San Juan County DEM is hosting a one day no-cost training on continuity and emergency planning for small businesses.
When disasters strike, small and medium sized businesses often endure the worst of the impacts. In the islands, our geographic isolation and economic reliance on a few key industries make the challenge even greater. This no-cost 8 hour training will provide basic information about the risks to the islands, and will offer some simple tools and approaches to help businesses prepare.
Training will be held on March 31st in Friday Harbor from 8:30 - 5:00 (exact location/timing is TBD and will accommodate as best as possible walk-on inter-island ferry passengers)
Attached flyer has more details. Click HERE to RSVP for class (https://sanjuansedc.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e47fce471fcfcd4bd9e83df0f&id=296565680b&e=e4c177fd92) . Please forward this email to others you think may be interested.
This event is being put on by the SJC/FH DEM and the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (https://sanjuansedc.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e47fce471fcfcd4bd9e83df0f&id=dfd0ebb3ab&e=e4c177fd92) . For questions, please contact the DEM: Brendan Cowan, brendanc@sanjuandem.net, 360-370-7612
11th Annual Economic Forecast Luncheon: What’s Next? - May 13th, San Juan Island Join the EDC for a conversation about where the local economy is going and what we should consider next in the context of the global, national and state economy, climate change, and more.
Wednesday, May 13^th, 11:30AM - 1PM at the Brickworks
Tickets: $29.00
March 2020 - March 10 Weekly Member Messages

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