A Couple of Things...
Photo Credit: Daniel VanHamersfeld

Quarterly Luncheon


Save the date: October 16, Brickworks, noon!

Restaurant Hours/Days of Operation


We are going to put on the weekly member messages for the Fall/Winter a document that gives the days/hours of operation for our restaurants. Please send me your new fall hours and we will get it to the membership next Tuesday for the weekly member messages. 

Friday Harbor School of Massage

Richard Davenport

Friday Harbor School of Massage starts its second year next Tuesday September 5th, with room for more students.. The 625 hours, seven month program cost $9,000. A better deal than the three closet massage school and it is here on San Juan Island, no travel costs even from Orcas. Call 360-378-3637 for information or to register..



 We have flexible financing available.

Fall 2017 - A Couple of Things...