Spanish Fork/Salem Unplugged

What makes this program so effective? Simply put, it gives bored kids and busy parents something to do all summer long, it gives participants something tangible to collect, but most importantly it involves the entire community.
It begins with kids who are motivated by the incentive of a highly collectable reward called a Brag Badge.

This reward helps solve the “I’m bored” problem between kids and parents. In turn, this provides incentive for parents to help kids receive the reward by taking them to participating local businesses. Local businesses are incentivized by the opportunity of meeting potential new clients therefore giving them the desire to participate in the program.

If you are a business interested in participating in the program visit the Unplugged website or contact the chamber office at (801) 798-8352. Kids and parents can check out the website too or follow the program on Facebook for official start dates and updates.
Spanish Fork Chamber Newsletter - January 2014

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