President's Corner

Lance Wilson

To begin I am reminded of a phrase used by a close associate of mine, “dollars follow value”.  As I look at the proposed center and the required bond necessary to fund it I can’t help but align my thoughts with this phrase.  As this center brings value to the lives of our residents it also brings growth to our community, this will inherently bring growth or dollars to our businesses.  Spanish Fork I believe is an emerging market; this market (our community) is going to grow.  We cannot stop that but we can manage that growth by making our community as attractive as possible to future residents and businesses.  A facility such as the proposed life center with its recreation, updated senior center and desperately needed new library facilities only enhances the value of our community to potential home developers and future residents as well as prospective businesses looking to expand or relocate to our 
community.  I believe this is a good thing for all businesses and entrepreneurs.  I also believe future growth helps off set the tax burden such a center will require.  This helps residents and business alike. I see it as a positive move and sign of strength that Spanish Fork is even having this discussion; it shows that we are being true to our motto, “home of pride and progress”.  If progress and improvement are to happen anywhere in our lives we must be willing to take a step into the unknown.  Life is full of risks that require us to exercise faith and strive for improvement.  Spanish Fork City needs a new library, it needs a larger senior center and it needs more services that the life center can provide.  These needs will not go 
away whether this upcoming bond is approved or not.  I believe it is better for the community to be out in front of this issue rather than being behind the times and always missing out on opportunity and growth. 
I have heard the argument that our citizens can’t afford such a facility, that the tax increase does not justify the expense.  This is a sensitive issue and every member of the community will need to consider this carefully.  (See the attached link)
However if my argument for business growth is true why is not true for each resident as well?  I think the question for each resident and family should be, “I can’t afford the tax increase or I won’t afford the increase”.  Eliminate the word “can’t” from your vocabulary, we always have a choice.  In life we always find a way to get the things we want.  We budget, save and work to get what we desire.   If this proposed facility brings value to each family in Spanish Fork they will find a way to justify the expense.  Looking to the future I cannot help but think that as our business community and tax base grow the tax burden of this bond will be less and less. In summary I support the proposed life center and Spanish Fork City’s effort to address the needs of our growing community.  I appreciate the efforts of all in our community who work to make dreams a reality and improve our quality of life.  In the classic book “As a Man Thinketh”, author James Allen shares a truth that cannot be ignored.  He states, “The dreamers are the saviours of the world. As the visible world is sustained by the invisible, so men, through all their trials and sins and sordid vocations, are nourished by the beautiful visions of their solitary dreamers. Humanity cannot forget its dreamers; it cannot let their ideals fade and die; it lives in them; it knows them as the realities which it shall one day 
see and know.”  Our future depends on the choices we make today.  As a community and society may we all prosper and live our dreams. 
Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber News - August 2015

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