Executive Director Message

Clark H. Caras

Yet, even with all of that I am able to find myself still proudly calling both Spanish Fork and Salem "community", as well as shop from one end of town to the other -- north, south, east or west -- and take with me from one storefront to another the feeling of "Main Street" and "small business" even when I'm in a place that sells of all things, broccoli by what almost looks like the ton.
And the reason I find for that is because of the amazing ties of family and friendship that has such deep roots in these communities and the south of Utah County in general; with it never failing that no matter how busy you become, or how big the event or celebration is, or if you end up running out of ribbon to cut with giant scissors; you can find among the crowd a familiar face from high school or church, or work and past employment.  Or, even just the neighborhood.
Yes, there is an amazing energy resonating from Spanish Fork Salem and the surrounding area and much of it can be channeled through the Chamber of Commerce that has been a lightening rod of activity for this very unique Summer of 2015.  And on behalf of all of the Chamber and the citizens helped and served in all of the activities as well as the patronage of storefronts throughout the community we want to say thank you for keeping up with the heat.  And as the season begins to change, with the promise of pumpkins and scarecrows and Trick-or-Treat on the horizon the outlook for the Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber of Commerce appears on the verge of great things.
Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber News - August 2015

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