Executive Director Message

Clark H. Caras

What is sent from the chamber office is never sent on a whim, there is always some import to the reason we want to communicate with you.
Secondly, we are well aware some of the messages might come a bit close to the actual day and time being advertised.  This is never done on purpose, I promise; but with the fast growth of the communities and therefore the chamber we are seeing an obvious increase in ribbon cuttings.  And with the membership comes opportunities for business to business exchanges, thus more emails and some again, might cut things a bit close when we are trying to get them all out.
As two of us in the office we are always working to make things as efficient as we can and to meet the needs of this wonderfully growing chamber. For us, we do the happy dance every time a new member is added to the expanding email blast list.
So please, try and open and read each email coming from us here at the chamber office. The news is generally all good and the information in those messages timely and some, time urgent.  In realizing the awkwardness in this, we at the same time celebrate the good news of growth and this time urge you to Play Plugged.
Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber News - September 2015

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