Executive Director Message

Clark H. Caras

One year ago there were approximately 170 members of the chamber, and today as I pen – I mean word process – this message, we are excited to say there are 246 members… meaning in one year we have been able to welcome 76 new members, people, employees, networkers, advocates of the things to be done in building all of our communities.  And when I say “all of our communities”, I mean everywhere from north Utah County to South because we are lucky enough to have a taste of almost each major city in Utah Valley represented in the chamber.
2016 brings the Ready, Set, Go, because we are --- literally. This chamber is on the move to help make its mark on every level of community life in the areas we represent.  The phones are ringing with people asking for appointments to learn about what there is here to offer. Present members are referring friends who are joining.  We have a waiting list of businesses that have already joined and are in line for a ribbon cutting.
The pride and progress I grew up knowing was a part of this area has rippled for decades and still ripples its success in the joy of the people and the business community in serving it. As a kid here in Spanish Fork and as far out into the hay fields of Benjamin and Lake Shore, at noon every day I would get chills as I would hear the fire siren wail from the top of the Fire Department on the west side of 400 North Main.
Not chills of fear, but chills of comfort and safety.  I knew as long as that siren wailed there were those who would jump to protect me, no questions asked. It was as if the city itself were calling to me and telling me not to worry because this was my hometown and we looked out for each other.
Well, there is no more siren, but what I can say is that right now the businesses of this area are making up for that cry of safety and community. And the way to best fulfill just such a mission is to group together in friendship, commerce, networking and service.  Exactly what you will see ripple throughout in 2016.
Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber News - January 2016

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