Is Less - More? Is variety the spice of life?

Here are the reasons for the change and the benefits that we hope to promote. Our goal is to have all of our members be engaged in the Chamber. We announce the TEAM concept for our Chamber. TEAM stands for Totally Engaging All Members of the Chamber. When members are engaged, they see the greatest growth and benefit of their membership. We would like all of our Chamber members to attend one meeting a quarter is order to stay engaged. The current luncheon structure with a lunch meeting is difficult for many businesses to attend. They can't take time out of their day to be there because it may be physically impossible. Therefore,  we are proposing a greater variety of meetings and hope this will help some businesses focus on making at least one meeting a quarter. We would also like to provide more businesses with networking opportunities and thought that a morning meeting would provide the opportunity for another group of business to participate. The Breakfast Before Business meeting would begin at 7:00 am and end promptly at 7:50 am. The evening Business And Social Hour or BASH would begin at 5:30 pm and run until 6:30 pm and be hosted by different businesses each month. In addition to these opportunities, we would like to institute a sunrise meeting either 4 times per year where a high level speaker would be brought in to speak to us about various topics. This would feature business executives, government executives and those making a difference in our world. Valuable content and timely information is what we are proposing. The sunrise meeting would replace the standard BBB Breakfast Before Business event. 

One thing is for certain, the more you attend and put effort into the Chamber, the more you will benefit from Chamber membership.

Please let us know what you think.

Chamber Chat - December 16, 2009

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