Viet Nam War Monument

The Washington County Board of Commissioners has commissioned a monument to be placed on the Courthouse grounds to honor the Washington County Veterans who servced in the Viet Nam War.

A committee has been apointed by the Commissioners to obtain the names of those who servced. In order to do this we have a form that must be filled out and returned to us to that we can have the information we need to have the omunment completed.

You may obtain a form from The Sanverville Progress, The Spotlight, or from The Washington County Chamber of Commerce. Upon completion of this form you may return it as follows:

MAIL TO: Viet Nam monument Committee, P.O. Box 1016, Sandersville, GA 31082 OR to the Washington County Chamber of Commerce, 131 B West Haynes Street, Sandersville, GA 31082.

FAX TO: The Washington County Chamber of Commerce at (478) 552-1449

IN PERSON: to the Wasthing County Chamber of Commerce, 131 B West Haynes Street, Sandersville, GA

For questions or additional information, please call E.K. May at (478) 552-2501 or Frank Simmons at (478) 521-0307.

Newsletter Template 1 - copy of November 30, 2015

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