Save the Date! Robotics Luncheon Event

Special sponsorships are available for businesses that wish to purchase a table for 8 and have their picture taken with Sophia.  For more information on sponsorship opportunities contact Tom Snell at the White Bear Area Chamber. Photos with Sophia cannot be used in any business advertising venture.

Cost to attend this interactive event is $35 for Chamber members and $45 for non-members. Parking will be available adjacent to the Lincoln Mall. Due to Sophia's growing popularity, there is a slight risk of this event being canceled. If that happens your sponsorship and ticket purchase will be returned in full.

Sophia was recently granted Saudi Arabian citizenship.  She is the first robot ever awarded citizenship status.  Sophia has appeared on Good Morning United Kingdom, the Tonight Show, interviewed by Charlie Rose and addressed the United Nations.  
Weekly Facts Z - copy of Weekly Facts for Week of January 8, 2018

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