Event Registration - Rockford Chamber of Commerce

Rockford's 20th Annual Community EXPO
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST

Location: Rockford High School, 4100 Kroes St., Rockford, MI 49341

Event Description
Join us for the 20th Annual Community EXPO held at Rockford High School, Saturday, March 8th from 9am-2pm. This event showcases over 125 local businesses, giveaways, mascots and more!

Applications available now!
Please review all information including set up, tables, chairs, lunch options and sponsorship opportunities:


The Rockford Chamber of Commerce, Rockford Public Schools and our sponsors proudly present the 20th Annual Rockford Community EXPO held on Saturday, March 8, 2025, at Rockford High School. We invite you to join us at the premier networking opportunity. Don’t let this wonderful opportunity pass you by! The cost is low for the value received.
Our goals are to:
  • Spotlight area businesses, organizations, churches, municipalities, and schools to other businesses and the public.
  • Increase the community’s awareness of the products and services that are sold, provided and /or manufactured in the greater Rockford area.
  • Give exhibitors an opportunity to increase their exposure.
Rules & Policies:
  • All exhibitors will provide their own display items and back drops.
  • Electricity is limited. Electricity may be provided if it is marked on this application and available on first-come, first-serve basis.
  • You MUST provide your own heavy-duty electrical extension cords.
  • We request that all exhibitors have liability insurance of at least $100,000.
  • School does not have wireless capability.
  • Not following the rules forfeits admittance to future EXPOs and potentially other Chamber sponsored events.
BOOTHS:  Booth spaces are 10' x 10'

MARKETING/SELLING: All marketing will take place within the confines of the area you have reserved. Absolutely no marketing outside of this area.

PARKING: To allow as much convenience to our visitors as possible, exhibitors MUST park in designated areas away from the building.

DOOR PRIZES: Door prizes are optional. If you would like to offer door prizes, you may do so at your booth. Contacting winners is the sole responsibility of the business offering the prize.

EXHIBITS: ONE BUSINESS PER BOOTH. All exhibits shall be kept neat in appearance and in good taste. The EXPO Committee reserves the right to regulate all exhibits and displays which may be considered objectionable/inconsistent with the goals of this event. Exhibitors are requested to clean their display area when vacating the EXPO.

SET UP: Set up will be Saturday morning from 7am until 8:45am. Exhibitors MUST be set up no later than 8:45am for the start of the EXPO at 9am. Exhibitors who do not set up prior to the EXPO starting at 9am will forfeit booth space and booth fee. There will be no drop off or set up on Friday this year!

EXPO HOURS: Saturday, March 8th from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Exhibitors must stay until 2:00 PM. Exhibitors are encouraged to focus on building relationships with the community during event hours.

TEAR DOWN: 2:00 PM until 3:00 PM, Saturday, March 8th There will be no early booth tear-down as it is disruptive and dangerous to the other exhibitors and attendees. Early tear-down forfeits admittance to future EXPOs and Chamber sponsored events.

VOLUNTEERS: Students will be available to help with carrying items both during set up and tear down if needed. Please plan ahead to have items that are easy to cary such as bins, bags, and totes.