6 matches were found for Churches & Religious Organizations Our members are presented equally regardless of their alphabetical positioning. For an alphabetized list of these results CLICK HERE.
We are a Christ-centered community church committed to growing and living out our faith by offering...
* unconditional love to all, regardless of age, sex or gender, race or ethnicity, economic status, or religious background;
* asking questions about our relationship with God in an affirming and nurturing environment;
* sharing the message of love of Jesus Christ for the transformation of a broken and hurting world
Hope Community Church - Minnewaska Area
Kelly Mahoney
105 Second Avenue NE Suite 200 PO Box 193 Glenwood, MN 56334
If you are around Hope Community for any length of time, you are sure to hear us talk about the fact that God has designed, destined, and currently desires for each person to experience:
Intimacy with God,
Community with Other Believers,
& Redemptive Relationships within the World
Join us for worship in Starbuck & Glenwood
Sunday mornings: 9:00 in Starbuck
10:30 in Glenwood
We are a congregation of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), located in the Southwest Minnesota Synod. This is Christ's church. There is a place for you here! Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.